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Monday, April 12, 2010

Veterans Day

On 4/10, the group met at Steinert High School in what most thought was going to be another track workout. Instead, the starting location was just chosen to throw people off and we headed across the street to run through and around Veteran's Park.

For most of us this would mark the last long run before the RU Half Marathon. We stuck mostly to the bike/walking paths and looped throughout the park several times, even venturing out the Kuser Road entrance around to White Horse Hamilton Square Road and back into the park near the hospital.

Each time we passed the point where we had started we shed a runner as they each had to leave early for one reason or another. Those that stayed to the end put in about 9.5 miles and capped it all off with one round of bleachers. It was nice to be running those bleachers while it was still cool out. Usually, it's 90 degrees and humid when we do that...can't wait for summer!

Roll call: Bill S., Bill Y., Brian, Butch, Damian, Linda, Lisa

L to R: Bill Y., Butch, Linda, Damian (not pictured: Bill S., Brian, Lisa)

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